
Frequently asked questions

How are coffee machine cleaning tablets different from descaling agents?

Cleaning tablets are designed to clean those parts of the machine through which coffee flows. They remove all coffee residues, oils and deposits.
Descaling liquid is used for those parts of the machine through which water flows. Only by performing both of these procedures and maintaining the coffee machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions will smooth and long-lasting operation of the coffee machine be ensured.

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How often should my coffee machine be cleaned?

As a rule, the maintenance of your coffee machine depends on the intensity of its use. The following frequencies are distinguished:

Daily maintenance:

  • Cleaning the coffee grounds tray (its capacity is specified in the product description)
  • Rinsing the funnels
  • Cleaning the milk system

Periodic (once a month/week)

  • Cleaning the brew unit (except for JURA coffee machines)
  • Cleaning the milk system with antibacterial liquid (this can be done more often)

Periodic (once or twice in 2 months)

  • Coffee residue removal should be performed every 200 cups
  • Descaling should be performed approximately every 50–60 litres of water if no filter is used
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Are all-purpose cleaners suitable for a coffee machine?

When it comes to proper maintenance of your coffee machine, we always recommend consulting your supplier. Most maintenance products are suitable for all kinds of coffee machines. However, there are certain brands that require specific measures due to their unique principle of operation.

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How often should the milk system be cleaned with antibacterial liquid?

As with all maintenance programs, the frequency with which the milk system of your appliance should be cleaned depends on how often you use the coffee machine. Milk is a food product with an extremely short shelf life. For this reason, we recommend cleaning the components that come into contact with milk as often as possible. If you rinse the steam wand under warm water every evening or soak it overnight, then cleaning the system with antibacterial liquid once a week will suffice. If you’ve missed at least a couple of days of daily maintenance, for hygiene reasons, disinfect immediately before making another cup of milk-based coffee.

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