
Can I track the delivery of my order?

If your order has been sent to you using a trackable service, you can follow its journey to you. You’ll receive a shipping confirmation email / phone message from our warehouse once your order is on its way; simply follow the tracking link in this email to view the up-to-date tracking.

If the tracking doesn’t show any updates or is blank, please wait until your estimated delivery date for your order to be delivered.* Your tracking updates may be delayed, but it should update soon.

Please note: We aim to meet provided delivery times, but deliveries may take a little longer during busy periods (including sales). Occasionally, tech updates to our systems or force majeure events, such as extreme weather conditions, may affect these delivery services for a limited time, resulting in changes to our cut-off times and/or delivery times. However, we will always work hard to keep these temporary changes to a minimum. Coffee Friend cannot be held liable for any parcels that are lost or stolen as a result of any specific delivery instructions left for the carrier.

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