Coffee according to your taste
Don't know which coffee to choose? Share your coffee drinking habits with us, and we'll select the best coffee for you.

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How do you brew your coffee?*
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Why does it matter?Different brewing methods suit different types of coffees. Some are best prepared using an espresso machine (bean-to-cup or semi-automatic), while others are suited perfectly for filter coffee makers.

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How do you like your coffee served?*
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Why does it matter?Naturally sweet, fruity and/or particularly vivid varieties are best served with no additional ingredients. If the flavour of the beans is more balanced, such coffees tend to go well with milk and/or sugar.

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What tasting notes do you like best?*
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Why does it matter?When it comes to the flavour profiles found in coffee, two types of tasting notes can be distinguished: some are fruity and pleasantly acidic, while others are marked by delicious bitterness (such chocolatey, earthy notes are also referred to as "coffeish" sometimes).

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Would you call yourself a...?*
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Why does it matter?Those who prefer traditional flavours and like their brews to taste "like real, proper coffee" should go for Italian-style coffee blends. If you're a fan of unique, vivid notes, you should absolutely give specialty coffee a try though.

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