Brazil, Sao Silvestre, Natural Aerobic-Wild fermentation 200 g

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Region:  Minas Gerais, Carmo do Paranaíba
São Silvestre farm
Owners: Andrade family
Taste notes – white chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies, dark chocolate hazelnut spread, dried dates, yellow gooseberries.
There is a brand new method in coffee processing – CRYO. Coffee cherries are fermented in sealed barrels for an impressive 288 hours in a cold environment (9°C). Low temperature increases sugar content, intending to double the chocolate sweetness in the cup.
The Andrade family history began in 1901, with their ancestors at Capim Branco Farm, in Carmo do Paranaíba, High Cerrado, state of Minas Gerais. With the aim to produce high-quality coffees, the new generation of the Andrade family established their farms in this region during the ’70s. This region has an altitude between 1.100 and 1.200 meters, which provides ideal conditions for growing coffee due to its perfect balance of wet and dry seasons.
In the early ’90s, with the need for expansion of coffee production, quality, and volume improvement, the brothers acquired São Silvestre farm in Serra do Salitre, state of Minas Gerais, this farm produces high-quality coffees because of its climate and altitude between 1.100 and 1.200 meters.
Combined with the natural conditions of the region, the correct management of crops, crop planning, and post-harvest with selection criteria of cherries, grains, and natural drying, the results are excellent quality, award-winning beans, appreciated worldwide.
The volcanic soils are perfect for growing Yellow Icatu, Yellow Catuaí, and Red Catuai varietals, which thrive here and account for the majority of the farm’s yield. This is where Brazil’s best natural coffee beans are produced.
In 1991 through the initiative of twelve producers, who envisioned the opportunities that investing in the quality of the coffee would bring, they founded the BSCA ( Brazil Specialty Coffee Association) that supports all small coffee producers in the region, not only that, it also helps producers improve quality, which improves sustainability. Helping producers to reach out to the importers worldwide, with eco-friendly coffee is another activity that BSCA performs.

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0.2 kg
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