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Romantic dinner for two


Lacking of ideas how to surprise your loved one? Give them warmth, because nothing says I love you better than a freshly made cup of their favourite coffee.

Brew it with Nespresso “Essenza Mini Triangle Red” tiny, yet powerful coffee machine and aromatic Mokito “Intenso” coffee capsules.

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Party with friends


Invite your friends for a movie night or a housewarming party. Chocolate and coffee will definitely help you stay up all night and talk.

Experiment with Zuma “Dark Hot Chocolate” and De’Longhi semi automatic coffee machine, you won’t regret it.



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A moment for yourself


It’s important to remember to treat yourself as well. After a long week or even a day, take a break and enjoy a large cup of your favourite tea. Grab a bite of crunchy chocolate and enjoy the moment – after all, you deserve all this.

A box of Harney & Sons “Cranberry Autumn” combined with a set of Galler “Assortment” chocolates will keep you company during a movie or a good read.

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Gourmet date


You don’t need a three course meal to impress your date. Well chosen coffee beans, interactive coffee preparation method and a nice setting will leave your date speechless. Talk about classy, right?

To make things easier, we suggest finding a Bialetti moka coffee maker, a nice Kahla espresso cup and a pack of full bodied “Indonesia Sumatra” coffee.

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Promotions and discounts do not stack. Limited stock. Promotion is valid till 17.02.2020. Prices are indicated as the manufacturer’s recommended retail price in the year of release. This price may differ from the retail price in the market. The same product may be and may have been sold at different prices in other shops.